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2019 Project
Going Home: A Story About Sacrifice, Courage, and Friendship
In 2019, Jackson College Heritage Center students learned about SERVICE with the going Home: A Story About Sacrifice, Courage, and Friendship project. The film takes us back to the early 20th Century when three young men developed a friendship that would last for over 100 years. Bill Maher, Zenneth Pond, and Elwood Bailey grew up children of the Great Depression and relied on what some call “the Jackson Hustle” to make their way in the world. They were fearless and lived life to the fullest. Each were pioneers in the early aviation field, and they were taught to fly by one of Jackson Junior College’s champions, Frank Dove. All found their way to the battlefield; two lost their lives over the Pacific; and one spent a lifetime trying to bring his two friends “home.” A documentary film and art display, as well as oral interviews were part of the project.
I want to say how IMPRESSED I am with the film, presentations and JC staff and students. I was in awe. You have inspired dedication and volunteerism.
– Barb
The service was amazing and very inspiring. This is something that needs to be done more to not just inform our community, but the unite people with the history that came before.
– Jon
Dear Mrs Agy,
The service was amazing and very inspiring. It showed not only their lives, but their accomplishments, chances taken, hard work, and hardships that they all faced. This is something that needs to be done more to not just inform our community, but the unite people with the history that came before, as it seems is being lost so frequently. Thank you.
– Jon
The film is extremely well done. My own memories of the war and family friends that lost sons brought back many memories that I need to think about!! My two brothers were in the pacific – one is several invasions. Made me think of all the ‘ifs’ and how different my teen years were than kids of today!!
I think more of what you are doing to create the patriotism and love of country needs to be instilled some way! I think you have done it with your students and I just love chatting with them – they are so vital!! Thank you!
Diana, I want to say how IMPRESSED I am with the film, Going Home: A Story of Sacrifice, Courage and Friendship, presentations and JC staff and students. I was in attendance last Saturday and sat center row for the film. I was in awe. You have inspired dedication and volunteerism to a new level. So… I came home and told everyone about the Heritage Center. I hope in the near future we could meet and perhaps you can lead/show us how to record our history. I look forward to hearing from you soon. And again, congratulations on a job well done.
– Jackie